It's the little things that keep me excited! I just found out today that if I make subpages in OneNote, then I can organize my Table of Contents. Let me explain. After adding so many different things to my student's notebooks it was becoming a little overwhelming, especially for third graders! Things were starting to look a little cluttered.
So I began adding dates to the titles to make it easier for them to find stuff. |
A little better, but not so much! This was actually my first attempt at trying to organize the Table of Contents. I even thought about just deleting pages we had already used and starting fresh each marking period. I didn't want to do that because there are some entries I wanted them to refer to time and time again. I also wanted them to have a record of their work and their growth throughout the year.
So I kept playing around with the TOC and I literally just discovered that if you make subpages you can collapse the different sections. So how do you make a subpage? Just "right-click" on the page name and select the option "Make Subpage". It's that simple! |
If you think about it, it's like putting those subject dividers in your regular - (I hate to say it, "old fashioned" ) notebooks. LOVE IT! |
I will continue to add the date at the beginning of assignments, but it's not necessary for the other resources I add to their notebooks. Hopefully, this little tip will go along way toward organizing my student's digital notebooks.
Are you using OneNote EDU? I would love to hear about some tips you use to help your students organize their digital notebooks!